Eleanor And Park
Author- Rainbow Rowell
Protagonist(s)- Eleanor and Park (Can it not be more obvious
than this)
Number of pages- 325
Let’s get started-
Eleanor is the new girl in town, and with her chaotic family
life, her mismatched clothes and her unruly hair, she couldn’t stick out more
if she tried.
Park is the boy at the back of the bus. Black T-shirts,
headphones, head in a book- he thinks he’s made himself invisible. But not to
Eleanor… never to Eleanor.
Her stepdad doesn’t help in this at all. He’s this drunken
old hunk who sits around watching T.V, and shouting at poor Eleanor. Neither
does Park’s mom. She despises Eleanor. But well, everything’s gonna change for
the best.
Can you fall in love through some comic books? Or music? Why,
of course you can! And that’s what happens in this book. That’s what it’s all
And on and on and on goes the story. I must say, it was
actually pretty good, and sad, and fun, and crazy and there are many other
words to describe this utterly strange-in-a-good-way book, but my vocabulary is
limited to the words that I know and have read somewhere or the other. Easy to
understand and a good plot. But then again, after reading The Fault In Our
Stars, my expectations of books like these have hit a certain point where
everything and I mean EVERYTHING has to be perfect (not in the Mary Sue perfect
kinda way, that’s sick. And TFiOS is not about perfectness. It’s about
naturalness, and tradegy. But it’s perfect in its own not-so-perfect way).
Reading the book, I actually felt what I was reading. Feeling
what you’re reading is not like, “Oh, yeah, this happens. Oh, look she died.
Ah, sad sad sad.” No. Knowing what you’re reading is this: “No. NO THIS IS NOT
‘I’m sorry I look stupid today,’ she said.
‘You look like you always do,’ he said. Her bag was hanging
at the end of her arm. He tried to take it, but she pulled away.
‘I always look stupid?’
‘That’s not what I meant…’
And that’s what happens to guys in reality when they try to
make a girl feel special. There’s so much that one girl (and of course, one
guy) can relate to in this book. We obviously may have read many, many, MANY
romance novels ‘till date, but this is different. This is the ‘real deal’.
It’s pretty impossible to put all of the book’s doings in a
limited amount of words, but let me tell you this: You need to buy this,
because then, and only then, will you know what young love truly is. It’s not
about two perfect people growing up together with their perfectness. It’s about
something else. And it’s not always that they grow up together.
Of course I didn’t cry, whilst reading this book. But you
get the idea. And no, this book doesn’t make you cry. You feel this warm glow
inside of you when you finish this book. It’s like, even though Eleanor’s life
is now broken into a million pieces, she’ll be able to pick them up and put
them back together, in such a way that they won’t break up all over again. It’s
like that. And Park will help her.
Just one spoiler- It’s Eleanor’s stepdad who writes all that
stuff down, Mr. Unobservant (yes, you).
Brownie points- 4.5 out of 5 brownies. Just ‘cause I said
that you feel a warm glow inside of you, and that I thoroughly enjoyed the
read, doesn’t mean it gets all the brownies. There are not so good parts in
this thing, too. Of all the obvious not so good parts, one is the
not-so-perfectness. Ah, you’ll understand, you’ll understand.
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